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Cranborne Chase

It’s hardly surprising that Dorset is regarded by many as the most beautiful English county.

Whilst Plumber Manor nestles in Thomas Hardy’s ‘vale of little dairies’, a short distance to the east, the terrain rises to Cranborne Chase, the beautiful chalk downlands.

The village of Cranborne is the village of Chaseborough of Thomas Hardy’s novels. Rupert Brooke used to stay at the Fleur de Lys in Cranborne and even wrote a poem in its honour.

These rolling downlands are an area of outstanding natural beauty and historically significant.

There are the remains of Iron Age and Roman settlements on Cranborne Chase and the area was once a medieval hunting estate. King John regularly visited the Chase on hunting trips and Cranborne Manor, home to Viscount Cranborne, dates back to the middle ages. The manor is also noted for its beautiful gardens.

Whilst you’re with us at Plumber Manor, a walk on Cranborne Chase is to be recommended; during the summer, the variety of butterflies is very impressive. The thatched village of Farnham is worth a visit, as is Bradbury Rings, an Iron Age hill fort dating back to 150BC, Old Wardour Castle, a romantic six-sided castle that is architecturally unique in England, and Rockborne Roman Villa.

If you appreciate beautiful countryside and English history, a good walk and beautiful gardens, then Cranborne Chase is well worth some time and where better to stay than the archetypal English country house hotel, Plumber Manor.

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If you would like to know more about Plumber Manor or its surrounding places to visit, please either complete the enquiry form or call us on 01258 472507.

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